Wednesday, 04-24-2024 12:19:44 (GMT-06:00)

Uptime Today
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime (%)DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Chicago, IL3900.0324100.00000h 0m12h 19m0h 0m
Total3900.0324100.00000h 0m12h 19m0h 0m

This Month Uptime
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime (%)DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Chicago, IL175600.0371100.00000h 0m12d 16h 14m0h 0m
Total175600.0371100.00000h 0m12d 16h 14m0h 0m

Uptime Statistics for the last 3 months
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime (%)DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Chicago, IL855700.0332100.00000h 0m34d 21h 7m0h 0m
Total855700.0332100.00000h 0m34d 21h 7m0h 0m

Uptime Statistics for the last 6 months
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime (%)DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Chicago, IL1536700.0333100.00000h 0m42d 21h 28m0h 0m
Total1536700.0333100.00000h 0m42d 21h 28m0h 0m

Uptime Statistics for the last year
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime (%)DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Chicago, IL2904200.0330100.00000h 0m42d 21h 28m0h 0m
Total2904200.0330100.00000h 0m42d 21h 28m0h 0m

Uptime Statistics for the lifetime of the target
LocationTotal ChecksFailsAverage resp. timeUptime (%)DowntimeMax time UPMax time DOWN
Chicago, IL8678070.043699.99191h 47m73d 22h 1m1h 24m
Total8678070.043699.99191h 47m73d 22h 1m1h 24m

This real time report is generated by WebSitePulse using the most current monitoring data.
Uptime Statistics and Response times are calculated based on the monitoring results of the WebSitePulse monitoring agent.

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